Loosing election when standing up? + Almost healed!

Hello yall.
Short summary of my situation. I am 20y old, very athletic and healthy individual. I started having ed about 2 years ago. It was actually really bad from time to time and wrongly I was late taking action as I was both in a very mentally rough period and ashamed of it. After some tests and stuff I found out that it was totally phycological issue. This year, I promised to myself that I will get out of the situation and I took a lot of actions (went to therapy + the app helped me greatly).
Now I am really proud to say that after a lot of struggles and work with myself, I have tackled the issue at least 80% and I am pretty confident in general.
However most of the times I find it difficult to maintain or get an erection for a reasonable time while I am standing up (starting or getting in that position). Itโ€™s definitely not physical as there were times that I didnโ€™t have a problem at all, but I mostly struggle here. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
Hope you have a great day, and donโ€™t forget that you matter and that you will make it!


I have the same issue, so really keen to get some insights. I think for me because I have had issues whilst standing in the past I will immediately get anxious ahead of standing/shower sex and spectate the whole way through, almost expecting to go soft. This is day two on mojo, so Iโ€™m hoping to see some improvement over time, first step I will need to get out of my head.