Kegels too strong?

I think I’ve trained my kegels too much… Whenever I masturbate I tense my kegels continuously throughout as an automatic reflex, and I find it difficult to get a good erection. I find reverse kegels help, but is there anything else I can do?

What’s the easiest way to unlearn automatic ‘kegeling’?


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I thought that was normal, it’s almost involuntary for me during sex and whatnot.

Yup - I’m sure some kegeling is normal, but I think I do it to the point where it kills erections.

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Train on this: Practice achieving a “relaxed erection” (ie. you do not tense your body, butt, or pelvic floor).

This might not happen your first attempt. You may need to learn to let sensation and calm drive the erection.

Drop into a sensual state and welcome an erection to occur without placing pressure on yourself as to the how you’ll get there or how long it will take.

This for me sometimes happens during sensate focus. An erection can occur without tensing. This also enhances pleasure and prolongs the session.

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Thank you - that’s what I’ve just started working on. Good to know that I’m on the right track. :+1:t3:


Good advice.

I find it extremely difficult to genuinely and sincerely have no pressure on getting an erection. Although I can do all the behaviour, the little voice in my head is saying, “Get an erection. Get an erection. Get an erection.” :sweat_smile:

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