Just can't finish

I’ve been with my fiancee for almost 8 years now, but over the past couple years it’s gotten harder and harder to cum during sex. I know she really wants me to get off, but the pressure of feeling like I’m disappointing her by not, makes it worse.

Our sex life is terrible because I’d rather just jerk off than have sex because at least I know I’ll get off. I also recently learned about death grip and feel like this is a big reason why I don’t enjoy sex that much. I’ve been jerking off the same way for so long, that having just typical penitration sex doesn’t feel like anything.

I’m trying the typical suggestions, like avoiding porn, switching up masterbation techniques and reducing my masterbation frequency.

Been like 2 years since I’ve actually gotten off during sex, I’m hoping things change soon…

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Same here.
New gf. 6 mo.
I was married 23 yrs. I feel like a career porn/solo guy…
PED caused me to pull away from sex with wife as to avoid embarrassment… she thought it was her!
From this app I’ve realized I have a death grip. An unhealthy relationship with porn and an inner critic….
Working on them all but still have not cum in a mouth, pussy or hand other than mine in years…
***almost came inside her this morning… but she was totally spent and we had to get on with the day…
Maybe my blue balls might get emptied tonight!

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