I’m so close but no cigar

Love my partner and we have great intimacy. But I can’t come for her unless it’s quite hard vigorous sex. Or just can’t come at all? I want to live here gently and come the way she wants me to.

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Same here dude. If I stay hard enough it’ll get to the point that it’s starting to hurt her and I’m getting tired. Wish I could say I had a solution for ya

I hear you dude. It’s not easy. All I can say is not think too much about not finishing. Rather just try to enjoy the moment.

I usually don’t have a problem coming - but in the past something that really got me to come faster was if my wife reaches down and plays with my balls and tugs gently on them while I’m in her. Oh man - you might suggest she give that a try - feels awesome and usually brings a climax on pretty quickly.

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