I am fed up- ED problems

I am simply fed up. I used to live for sex when I was still not married, however like a switch after marriage, my ED came to my life and just let go. This led me to several therapy sessions and also taking Zoloft regularly. There was a slight improvement, but before long my issue props up again.

I am not sure how I am going to move on from this rut I am so depressed and feel useless. When there is a chance for sex, the anxiety takes over (bowel movements, heart beating, sweat, freezing, anger).

When I do have fantastic sex, I would have the feeling that this is not sustainable, and lo and behold, it happens again.

I wish I never wake up again.

I completely relate to this. I’ve had ED problems in the past, am on Paxil, and the ED started again while trying to get my side pregnant. I feel like I want to die.

Have your made any progress?