I was doing great for a few weeks but then Christmas celebrations (and alcool) came and started to go very poorly. a great lesson for the future
Great exercise
Very good! I found a way to stay hard I almost even came a few times with this technique but it takes a whole lot longer than just playing with my head
Struggled to stay hard, but never came close to a early climax when getting erection back so improving
It’s been hard (lol) to get a hang of this one. I didn’t feel much until the very end when I started using my fingers in front instead of just the thumbs. Works best when I’m semi hard. Weird but anyway I’ll keep practicing!
It works for a bit but then I start going soft then need to masturbate normal for couple strokes and start getting hard again I’m going to need to practice more
This one is tough for me. I don’t get a whole lot of sensation from this
Not my favorite
I get way more sensation if I focus on my fingers on the bottom side of my penis instead of the thumbs on top
This is a difficult exercise. Wish there was a way to select the level, especially on stressful days or when it’s been a while
Find myself wanting to move toward the head through the practice. Good for mindfulness.
It’s alright but I loose hard sometimes
Helping me transcend the body while masturbating
Not sure whether I’m meant to be thinking of things that turn me on or the sensation
Fine, small amount of pleasure from doing it. Mind always wandering but focusing back on the feel.
I’m doing it to stick to the programme. this is enough to keep me up but I just find this a bit uncomfortable especially over time
Didn’t think much of it at first but at 5 mins something clicked and I really started to like it. Not gonna skip this one in the future
This is the hardest exercise I’ve encountered so far. Takes practice but I feel like it’s slowly paying off. Gonna keep at it
Did not feel a lot, went soft, and got a little bit anxious because of it, but I keep going for 10 minutes. I’m going to keep practicing until I feel good sensation