How was your 10-minute penis-root masturbation?

Its been a while since I masturbated or had sex. It felt really good for 10 minutes and then finishing afterwards. I had to take it slow at times.

This is probably the 4th or 5th time I’ve done this and this time was the first where it actually felt good doing it. I’m not sure if that’s what’s supposed to happen

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Overall went well this time. Started out strong, lost a bit of firmness at times but persisted and remained relaxed and became fully hard again each time.

I didn’t stay hard the whole time, but i made it to the end :confused:

This time was more pleasurable :slightly_smiling_face:‍:arrow_up_down:

Still soft, go my mind goes into the mode, I’m going soft I won’t feel anything

Only had a semi at the end

Stayed hard. Don’t exactly think it felt good. But stayed hard.

I have to practice a level lower, 10 min is too long for now

I went soft, and my mind was thinking because you went soft, this is not pleasurable aby but I continued not frustrated but I couldn’t concentrate on pleasure

When I was practicing regularly felt like it was easier to stay hard. Only had a semi to start and found it difficult towards the end to maintain it

I’ve never stayed hard throughout the 10min yet. But I’m keeping at it and am now starting to feel more subtle sensations and even some pleasure.
It seems my dick doesn’t stay hard without constant physical stimulation. However, focusing on a fantasy gets me hard immediately. So I’m learning how to harness that.
What I also started doing during this exercise is using my breath, kegels & reverse-kegels and mindfulness to really get a sense of the whole eco-system of my sexual energy.