How did your 5-minute penis-root masturbation go?

Did you find it helpful to use visualization, breathwork, or mindfulness?

Can’t really get any pleasure from this. Then my thumbs get sore

It’s a good way to mix things up. I don’t find it as pleasurable, but maybe that’s a good thing. More tools to practice contact without feeling like I need to masturbate to completion.

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ok idk how it works

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It’s a challenge finding a good rhythm and staying excited, but I find if I massage down harder (towards the base so it creates tension at the tip) it can feel good without being overwhelming.

I was more aware of smaller feelings of pleasure like tension in my legs, even without feeling like I was getting closer to orgasm. Thumb workout.

Felt reall different and good. More aware whilst masturbating rather than getting carried away

The pleasure is subtle and comes and goes, but it’s really refreshing being able to slow down and focus on a nice feeling that is sustainable, rather than being overwhelmed.

I’ve also realised how much my use of porn for masturbation really takes away from me appreciating feelings of pleasure. Will definitely try to continue staying away from porn.

hard to stay focused

It was pleasurable in the middle of the exercise, but definitely not as much as other forms of masturbation.

I was able to get hard on my own, but couldn’t stay hard while penis root masturbation

Definitely a more subtle kind of pleasure, but I noticed it more this time.

A no go for me. Fairly useless exercise…

Once you get a hang of the technique, it actually works pretty well…

Only worked with a lot of mental stimulation and fantasy, but I can see the merit. Will keep trying.

I’m better able to stay hard the more I practice the exercise

It gets mor and more enjoyable. The breathing helps!

I think the breathing helps a lot and focusing on a non sensitive part feels good and like I could last way way longer.

I don’t feel much and Istill get limp maybe it’s the mood

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Went limp

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