You’ve reached Level 4 of penis-root masturbation. Are you feeling new and pleasant sensations at the base of your penis?
Nothing really notable
It felt warm and tingling
A warm and really pleasing sensation on the base, it is really enjoyable and quite relaxing
no change in feeling
I’ve found that I can extend the massage a little further up my penis to get more pleasure, while still feeling sustainable.
I can’t feel a whole lot to be honest
Some of it feels ok when I have a firm and steady rhythm. Pretty dull feeling though
Not terrible, but not a recipe for pleasure.
I’m enjoying it more and more each time, as I learn what and where feels good to touch. It’s an interesting sensation
Fairly enjoyable exercise, but need to focus on sensations and breath well to not overdue it.
Masturbation and sensation after feel much more calm and can do it for bit with correct breathing.
Will carry on with this exercise for sure to see if any improvements will come over time.
Reall helpin me connect with my penis
Finding a good sensation, but a bit difficult to stay hard sometimes
Third time I do it and I start having sensations, not extraordinary sensations but new for sure. I’llkep practicing and see
Unable to stay had throughout. Not great at using my imagination to stay up
It’s more and more enjoyable
Few sensations starting to feel
It’s helping me notice the subtle feelings more
Just completed the 10 min one. Don’t really feel anything. Lost my election after 6 or 7 mins, and that is not a problem I normally have. I get and stay aroused very easily. I think I got bored from the lack of stimulation I felt. Not sire if I’m doing it wrong, or if I’ll begin to feel stimulation the more I do it? For now, it’s not doing anything for me but I’ll keep going
At times it did feel a little more sensitive and maybe reaching the stage of getting close to point of no return, but definitely more controlled. More sensations than last time. Hard throughout