How to gain back my sex drive after i lost it due to not wanting to embarrass myself due to ed
I’d also like to know the answer to this. I feel like my sex drive has tanked due to performance anxiety
This is very normal, if anxiety or the fear of anxiety is around we can find ourselves avoiding sexual situations. Mojo will help you understand what is going on and give you exercises to get you back into your body and out of your head. You will get the confidence to start enjoying sex again. : )
I’ve been here a few times, Mojo has got my confidence back to a good (not perfect) but good status.
Now…. I’m trying to get the mindset of enjoying sex… I’m still hung up in performance…. I want to move to enjoying it without fear….
I’m close……… and I’m still learning…
Mojo helped a lot.
Write there with you guys, hoping this app helps.