Recently my girlfriend has begun doing oral on me, which has felt great but it’s annoying because I’m always stuck between two problems. 1. I cum too quick, like she can put it in her mouth 3 maybe 4 times before I have to tell her to stop so I don’t finish in like 10 seconds, and 2. If we do stop then I get soft really quickly. My erection goes away almost immediately and I never feel like I’m 100% hard anyways.
So I can’t get too aroused, but at the same time if I’m not aroused then I get soft and can’t perform. So it’s not enjoyable for me or her I imagine.
I’m 21 years old, don’t drink, I workout and I’m in great shape (180lbs 12-13%bf), I’m active, I just don’t know why I’m experiencing BOTH of these issues.