I am finally admitting that I have a pornography addiction. Like a screen addiction it’s something I’ve always brushed aside and never thought was harmful. I have taken steps for my screen addiction but not my porn addiction. I’ve had es for about a year and a half and while it’s gotten better I am still scared of sexual relations ships moving forward and about my own confidence. Today is the day I retake my brain back from the brinks of porn addiction and try to reset my mind and body.
Hey bro head up I was in the same position as you it got very bad at a point. Everyone’s got their addictions. I hope you know everything is fine in moderation though nothing wrong with watching porn. Hope you cut it down same way you did with your screen time you can do it! And about being scared of sexual relationships, it’s 80% all in your head - get out there king you’re gonna be where you want in no time
In the same boat, and reckon it’s the root of my problems. I’ve just started on here today and am optimistic about making progress
Giving up porn has been a game changer for me. I was used to jerk off every night watching some porn on my phone, and I’ll cum, but it was sometimes quick, no strong sensations, and sometimes I would cum without my dick being fully erect. I have been dealing with ED and PE for a while and never considered porn as a possible cause, but since I started here, I gave up porn (mostly, I’ve watched literally a couple of yin the last like three months), I’m now masturbating using my imagination and memories, and also trying to use other senses, and let me tell you that my orgasms are really good now. Before, I’ll cum and I wouldn’t feel much, but now I shake every time I finish and it’s amazing. I also try to work on control, and try to last longer, using penis root masturbation . Anyway, I feel that I’m gaining confidence and my sex life is improving. Obviously, I’m also doing other things, like the box breathing, the meditations, the different exercises, but I do believe that stopping porn was s huge deal. It’ll take a while for your brain to recover, but it will.