Fairly successful outcome from use of mojo

Title says it all, the breathing exercises worked out and so did alot of the confidence training. In no small part is my success also due to my partner who is wonderful and gave their all to help me reach this point as well, I am very satisfied with the results of using the app. I get hard faster, sometimes just from kissing which in the past I would just go numb the moment sex ever came into the cards, so I can say with confidence that there certainly is a way back out of your own head and into success outside of it


What do you think really helped?

Viewing sex as an experience, as opposed to a means to an dnd for us both. Focusing on the idea of what were doing amd the mentality of ot was very important to my success. I want to please them and be pleased, and there is simply so much more to that than just climaxing


Congrats on the success and thank you for sharing your story!!

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Great job! Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate you sharing what worked for you.

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