Don’t even get horny

I’m 18 male so what should be prime age but for at least 6 months i wouldn’t even say i’ve been horny at all, i could count the times on one hand and it’s nothing compared to what it used to be.

I’ve also tried sex with 3 different people and each time i haven’t been able to stay hard so i’ve given up and haven’t tried anything for a few months. Just started this app hoping it could help me but any extra advice would be awesome

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Do you have a stressful period of your life? Maybe a breakup or school? Axiety and depression affects your libido very much. If there was no problem before that, i’m pretty sure you just need to be relaxed in general. Do the Mojo exercises, meditate and try to think positively. Everything gets better soon!

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Im twenty I have feel the exact same way, I can be horny on my own but when I’m in the moment it isn’t anxiety that first hits me, nothing hits me at all. After 15 minutes the anxiety of not getting hard kicks in. Maybe try to stop masturbating for a while and build up a head of steam. I think I was depressed in the beginning of university and for some reason that’s when sex magically drops into my life, only now did I realize how much it affected my libido. I’m better now but I’ve had sex 4 times and it’s happened every time and I don’t know what to do about it either. Maybe a stable partner can help you through this as well.

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If nothing hits you in the beginning, you are still lost in your head. A lot of cases people thinks that they have some physical problems because they feel numb and it makes them anxious. I’m in the same situation and i thought i have some physical problems because i cannot get hard just by myself. You need to re-connect your mind and your body. Meditation, sensation focus and other exercises help you in that.

I’m with the anxiety and depression of a divorce/ breakup. My ED situation started just days before my ex wife and I separated. The ED wasn’t the issue, we had several things that were never discussed and it was tearing me apart. After separation I waited a couple months to try anything with anyone and when I did there was still a major issue, I needed to get hel. Therapy combined with this program has turned me around, there’s still moments where I’ll get lost in my head but it’s still improving daily.
My girlfriend now when we first started engaging in any sexual acts I was upfront with her about what was going on with me and how this has been a new thing in my life that requires patience. thankfully she has been the most understanding and also a great support to get me where I am now. One thing she showed me was mindful meditation masturbation in front of a mirror… super awkward at first but after a couple tries it was quite enjoyable. It started to get me to love myself and feel myself and calm my thoughts, really start enjoying the feeling of stimulation and being relaxed and not worrying about climaxing and being in the moment

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