Did Porn ruin my sex life

I went through a period of time where i was addicted to porn. I have an amazing and beautiful partner whos ass is as big as i desired in my dreams. Pretty face and hour glass body. But even w having sex w her. I fell into a rabbit hole of porn where i would masterbate to other women. And everytime i would finish masterbating i would feel ashamed. This led to me feeling guilty and when we would have sex i felt like i betrayed her by having “ sex” w another female from those porn sites. Long story short, i could not get hard anymore for real rex. Any tips would be appreciated. I now am almost 2 months since last time i quit watching porn and masterbating. The last couple of times we had sex was a success, but i still feel anxiety when were ab to have sex because of the times where i couldnt get hard. Like today, i know where going to have sex. And i know last time we had sex it went well. It just feels like my head is playin tricks on me and is psyching myself out.

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You are making progress! The last couple of times was a success! Focus on the positive while continuing to practice the skills to reduce anxiety… allow the time to fully transition.


I feel it bro. I have a hot wife but due to my Ed issues and anxiety before sex, I have resorted to porn and masturbate but i feel guilty since I am married. I would like to have more sex like before but Ed has eroded my confidence a lot. Anyone in the same boat please provide suggestions

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I’ve seen a lot of posts like this and with similar people saying similar things along the lines of having ED during sex because of porn use.

For me I feel it is the opposite. I feel like because porn turned me on and I would masturbate and come quickly with it that now when I have sex I have PE because I have trained myself to masturbate quickly and get to the end result quicker rather than later. Now when I have second or do any sort of foreplay with my wife I find myself being so turned on that my body just naturally wants to ejaculate because it has been programmed that way over the last 10 years or so.

Any thoughts on how to combat this?

Please lmk if you find out