Daily mojo routines

I’ve been using the app for about a couple weeks. Love the app so far. Been following the daily activities. But I haven’t established a routine for meditating and the different exercises like kegels etc.

I’m curious to see what is everyone’s routine when it comes to these exercises? Do you do kegels and reverse kegel the same day? Morning or nighttime?

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I do a meditation daily in the evening…I usually do kegels while I’m driving, since I don’t have anything better to do at that time haha


At the moment i do 10 4x4 breaths, 10 kegels, 10 reverse kegels Am and Pm.

I set aside 15 mins to do 1 meditation or guided masturbation or self sensate exercise to tune in to my body, feelings, arousal control etc.

If the app suggests a learning exercise i will complete that.