Having fun, playful sex, where there is laughter, but there is also desire - not necessarily focused on penetration but on a full bodied experience
Sexual desire and connection, holding nothing back, in the moment, no thought, in control, hard sex,
Having a deep passion for one another. Connecting not just with our bodies but our minds and benefits. I love hot and heavy, but it can’t be just meaningless
Bonding, openness, sensitivity, tenderness, sharing and thankfulness.
Bonding and becoming one
Connection and oneness
Connection and the ultimate expression of love. An action with great meaning.
Orgasms are fun, but the climax isn’t necessary to enjoy sex with my partners.
Playful exploration, sensual appreciation, fluidity of power, total acceptance, earthly wildness, spiritual softness and subtlety, presence, carnal ferocity, all of it.
Bonding on the deepest level physically possible.
Acceptance, intimacy and learning
I am a hunter, not everyone will enjoy being hunted and I should respect that but not let that limit my desire to hunt
I think sex is sharing souls with your partner. Letting your true self show to your partner and connection. It’s a way of love
Becoming the real you and not the fairytale you dream you are sometimes
Being connected on an emotional and physical level where we can freely communicate and have fun just being together. Finding out what turns us on and building upon it.
being accepted, being aggressive
A girl being so horny for me she can resist me.
Being openly submissive!
Being with a partner who understands that who you like to be in the bedroom isn’t representative of who you are outside of it. Sexual fantasy is just that…a fantasy, it’s pretend
Being able to please my partner