What is going on?

Came out of a long term relationship in August last year. Have never had any issues with getting an erection. Have had a few flings here and there were issues getting or staying hard. I’ve now met an amazing woman and now the same thing is happening again. I initially get excited and get hard but within seconds go limp. I’ve also noticed that before whenever I’d get sexual thoughts I’d get an erection that would last ages just on the thought alone. I don’t get this anymore and just have a sort of empty feeling replacing what I normally felt. Morning wood is also a distant memory. Any ideas??

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I feel your pain… I’m in a similar situation after January break up. I’m trying this, talking to my therapist, got some pills from Hims that helped when my friend gave me some to try

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I feel you. I’ve never ever had any issues whatsoever getting it up or keeping it up. I got out of a 3 year relationship, had a couple of flings since, and recently I’ve met what I call a potentially “women of my dreams.” I personally think, in my case at least, is that there’s some stage freight/ performance anxiety given we are both new to each other (since we have been dating for only a month now). Luckily it doesn’t always happen and so far I’ve been able to more than please her sexually but every now and then I’m about to have sex and I just can’t get it to stay up. It caused some frustration on my end (luckily not for her) but it’s one of those things where you just feel extremely disappointed in yourself, uncomfortable and even mad at yourself for not being able to be sexually active as much as you’d want.
But I feel your pain for sure. I used to be able to get a wooden erection just by the thought of sex and that’s out the window now. I want to understand why this is occurring specifically.

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My relationship was 4.5 years, I would basically get hard on sight! It’s been much more inconsistent w new people. I do think it’s a familiarity thing even though I don’t consciously feel nervous. The best sexual experience I’ve had since the breakup was w someone I already knew well…

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I think I’m going to try building more of a connection before I try to sleep w someone… but glad you found someone and are still making it work sexually

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