Same activities everyday on Mojo?

I wasnā€™t sure under what category to label this. Basically Iā€™ve been using Mojo for about a month and for the past 2-3 weeks it feels like Iā€™ve not gotten any new activities. The activities do vary slightly from day to day but they seem to be stuck in a loop between the pelvic floor workouts, kegels, sensate focus and a couple others. Iā€™ve done these activities over and over and Iā€™m wondering if anything else is coming or if Iā€™m paying for just the same 4-5 activities every week. Is this normal or some kind of bug? Am I missing something obvious?

I had tried Mojo about a year ago when it had the phases system, which I quite liked as it makes you feel like youā€™re actually progressing and learning new things. Now I have no idea what the app is doing or if thereā€™s any point waiting to see what activities its going to suggest since theyā€™re always the same.


Yes same question:) donā€™t see any much growth with these 3-4 tasks on repeat,expected much more

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Feeling much the same to this. Also Iā€™m pretty sure some of the sessions arenā€™t loading properly saying ā€˜continue to next stepā€™ and then just going straight to ā€˜congrats on completing this challengeā€™ anyone else had this?


Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™ve seen others referring to activities I never came across such as the penis-to-root masturbation? I donā€™t know when this content should come about

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anyone have any luck contacting support?

Thanks so much for this feedback. Itā€™s something weā€™re actively looking into.

First I want to flag that this issue happens for different members for different reasons. Our support team will be reaching out individually to everyone on this thread to figure out what it is for them. But in the interest of being open Iā€™m summarizing the reasons people run into it below:

Reason #1: Itā€™s by design
In the past we used to have an issue where people would race through all the fresh content but not get any results from Mojo. We talked to alot of sex therapists and they told us that the efficacy impact really comes from repetition. Doing inner critic once teaches you about the concept, but integrating the inner coach into your life requires weekly repetitions. So we radically changed the way Mojo works and switched up our algorithm to focus more on repeats. This is also one of many reasons why we got rid of phases.

What weā€™re doing to improve: weā€™re investigating new approaches to highlight cases where weā€™re purposefully asking you to repeat things and explaining exactly what the benefit of doing it is.

Reason #2: Thereā€™s a bug in our algorithm
We currently require you to unlock content by practicing previous exercises first. Sometimes thereā€™s a bug in the way weā€™ve structured them.

What weā€™re doing to improve: I think weā€™ve resolved most of these bugs, but whenever we get complaints, we sense check the users account to make sure it isnā€™t a bug (99% of the time itā€™s not)

Reason #3: We need to add more activities
Most of our members donā€™t run into this problem, but sometimes thereā€™s no new activities to unlock because youā€™ve unlocked all of them. The value of having Mojo in this case is repeating those exercises and really mastering them. We also gate exercises based on what you tell us your issue is, so you might not see certain lessons that arenā€™t relevant to your issue.

What weā€™re doing to improve: Thereā€™s a few updates weā€™re hoping to release over the next few months to address this. First, weā€™re adding ā€˜levelsā€™ to our activities so that they get harder as you begin to master them. Second, weā€™re improving the quality of the activities so they have more an impact when you repeat them. Third, weā€™re working with sex therapists and physiotherapists to create new activities. Fourth, weā€™ll make it easier to switch between issues so you have more control over the personalization within Mojo.

I hope the above addresses all of your questions. Please contact support if you have any more!