Rewiring my brain to disassociate sex from drug use

I’m a gay man, 34 healthy and stable. I use antidepressants and have a therapist. My ED issue isn’t really an ED issue per se. Drug use (meth GHB X cocaine ketamine poppers) are so common and normal. I’ve been using drugs since I was in highschool and it’s never really negatively affected me. I’ve always been sharp, responsible, etc. Sometimes there is excess but that’s not what causes ED.

For me, it’s the very close association my brain has with drugs and sex together. I haven’t had sober sex in so long. I don’t even mind it, but you can just throw down and party whenever you’re horny. The drugs also lead to bad decisions and can make you want to do things you might otherwise avoid, which could be both interesting and make you feel guilty after.

Either way, my goal is to rewire my mind to separate drugs and sex again.