Procrastination masturbation

I’ve been using Mojo for a few weeks now and I’m finding it beneficial. I’m getting a better understanding of my body, relaxing into enjoying different sensations and feeling more confident about having sex with others again.

That said I’ve became aware of the amount of time that I spend just touching my dick. I’m not particularly aroused when I do this, often I’m just bored or procrastinating. I’m starting to think maybe this is something I need to work on. Like I’m associating touching myself with boredom/procrastination and that might throw me off at other times…

Anyone else find they do this or any insights to offer?

I’ve felt that way too, in the past, and still touch my dick regularly, even just because . However, I did quit porn and started masturbating using my imagination, and my solo sessions feel much better. So, I feel like my dick touching habits might be hard to eradicate, but I’m trying to make it count when I go all the way

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