Porn Has Been the Rotten Root

Porn has been a battle for quite literally my whole life, from not growing up with a father in the house to living with my grandfather who has porn basically open to the public, to a family who knew about it but never said anything. I’d spend a long time I the bathroom with magazines, until I found movies. I’d sneak like a ninja to get my fix, it almost became a fun challenge at times. Please, if anyone gets anything from this message, it’s that porn is a cancer in our world, talk with your kids, or see a sex therapist for these issues before it becomes a serious problem. Get help, you’re not alone.


100% spot on.

I’m 55 days porn free and just beginning to see all the benefits of not having my brain wired to it. I wasn’t even using it often, but it was definitely affecting my psyche and a big source for ED for me.

When the urge comes how do you combat it