Porn and masturbation

I find that I often need to watch gay oorn to masturbate

I’ve found myself going after more taboo stuff as well.
I’m straight but have started watching pegging and submissive men/dom women stuff…
Tho I’ve also quit porn/solo 90% as I was daily if not more = death grip and can’t cum from gf’s hand, Pussy or mouth…. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

Thanks for sharing. I am intent on quitting or cutting back significantly. Someone also commented about masturbating to photos or video’s of my partner. I definitely don’t have videos and may only have the photo she posted online.

I have a pretty vivid imagination. I sometimes visualize past sex with her or scenes I fantasize about. Sometimes when I’m having trouble finishing, her neck is worn out and she’s cum multiple times- she’ll start a handie and I’ll take over to finish myself. She loves to watch and encourages me. I feel super vulnerable and also fantasize that she’s forcing me to jerk off for her entertainment. That has done the trick a couple times….

been there done that. Except my ex not cumming more than once. But me with new GF gonna take a while or not happen at all.