No morning wood, can’t seem to maintain a hard erection

So I have this problem ever since the first intercourse. I can get hard during foreplay, but when it comes to going it softens.

I had periods of my life when I was free from these problems and I have no idea why.

And now it is something I have also while masturbating. It just doesn’t stay hard.

I also realised I hardly ever have a morning wood. I get random erections sometimes during the day, but this is also rare.

Obviously, after it happened, I had my inner-critic starting to work and now I can’t decide if my problem is psychological only, or there is something else as well, since psychological problems should not eliminate morning wood, or am I wrong?

I don’t know if my libido is on point either. I mean, I have the urge to masturbate more than one time a day and I find women very attractive. What should a healthy libido look like?