Need sex drive increase

Can someone please give me something that has worked for them to increase their sex drive?

Iโ€™ve been taking Fenugreek and Macca Supplements, this has made me want it a lot lot more and think about it more. Might be a placebo but Iโ€™ve been taken them two for over a month now and Iโ€™d say it has helped.

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Iโ€™ve had absolutely no success with supplements. Iโ€™ve tried every single combination suggested online.

Seconding maca root, definitely noticed feeling more desire and that raw animal lust feeling I used to feel so much before anxiety depression and whatever the F else is going on in my head gave me this ED sh*t

Hey all, maca in powder form or pill? Where did U buy it?

Sometimes it can be helpful to use Mindfulness to increase โ€˜desireโ€™. There has been a lot of research for women and it is just as useful for men. Try and look for reasons why you might have a lower libido. Health, work, relationship etc If not external reasons, spend sometime with Mojo, set time aside for you to get back into your body, differently from your normal masturbating. Build up a bank of erotic thoughts. If you are in a relationship, set aside time together to talk about what might help. Kegals can be useful for getting blood back into your genitals and just spend a few minutes each day running through some sexual fantasises. Hopefully this will help. : )


Just started the powder and I found it at a fancier grocery store