Since I’ve been using Mojo, I had three different sex partners apart of my bf in a short period of time.
First experience was great, I could keep erection and I topped one guy.
But the other two I got focused on the penetration first of all and I couldn’t keep my erection.
After these last two experiences, my inner critic started attacking again even stronger, saying that I shouldn’t try sex cause I won’t relax to get hard and stay hard.
I’m definitely not giving up, but it feels hard to be 33yo and still not being sexually confident while the last two partners were super relaxed and hard all the time.
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I’ve noticed that I share similar experiences with you. With my recent partner, being honest about my situation has been very beneficial. There were times when I couldn’t maintain or achieve an erection, and he would simply hold me and cuddle, which made a difference. Communicating with him has helped me tremendously. I even thought I was dealing with erectile dysfunction, for which I got medication, but I haven’t been using it since my partner and I have had several sexual encounters. I’m 35 now, and I feel like I’ve been struggling with this issue since I was 17.
I have a therapist as well that I’ve been seeing.
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