Hey everyone. A few years ago I was in a sort of relationship, I was also trying to lose weight and in a really big calorie deficit. One night we were out (not drinking just out) and she came back to my place. When we went to have sex I couldn’t get hard and this was the first time it’s ever happened to me. I suspect it was from the big diet I was on or something. As someone who had plenty of sex before this it was pretty shocking. Anyway she made me feel pretty bad about over the next coming month as I struggled with it and we ended up breaking up. Since then I have struggled with it and honestly avoided sex mostly because of it. I basically committed to spending the rest of my life on my own because it was such an issue for me. I have now found someone who I want to be with and I don’t want to disappoint her. I am so nervous and I just don’t know what to do.
I’m on a similar situation, I do not want to fuck it up. Just started with mojo 3 days ago, bc my first encounter with her went more or less since I struggled to stay hard during penetration. However she noticed it was out of my control and how I was getting nervious and shit. We stopped and talked about it. In my case, I am lucky since she is very understanding and can help me through it. I’d say that in our case, where we havent fully solved our erection issues, we will have to rely a bit on our couples. Try communicating sincerely with her about the problem while you keep working on yourself with Mojo is my take. Wishing u the best
Bro, trust the process. I got a porn addiction problem that’s what pulling me back. The app really works but I keep on slipping into watching porn that’s the main thing delaying my success.
I used to be banging girls & that but one situation fucked me up and the girl literally laughed at me.
It broke me and I’ve been finding it difficult to keep/get erections now.
I did soft penis pleasuring for about a week and got hard enough to wear a condom, that’s suttin right? I was so happy and slipped back into
Porn and now, back at square one, relying on porn to be aroused. Starting all over again and this time I’m not slipping back!!!
This might sound weird but you really made something click for me with this comment. During my first sexual encounter almost 10 years ago the girl laughed (maybe giggle, I was drunk and very soft). But the point is I hadn’t remembered this detail until now. Now I think I understand where the whole cycle of me spectating and doubting myself started - and I don’t blame that drunk kid at all lol.