ED for years.
Habitual solo with porn.
Eliminated porn and 98% solo.
Working this app for 3 weeks.
New sweet as pie, understanding gf of 4 months. Last week I was able to finish from a handy from her!
Last night we had actual sex for the first time. Had a semi for most of it, but imma take the W! This morning I was hard all the way through another handy also. May not seem like much, but I feel it’s monumental.
I credit this app (and a lil blue pill…) for this breakthrough!
I’ve learned a lot here!
One other thing that helped is I told her that I like explicit talk. Not dirty or disrespectful. “I want you to finger me while I use my toy…” or telling me she wants me to come for her during oral or a handy….
That helped a lot!!
Communication is key!!