Marked improvement

Not quite out of the woods here, but seen a big improvement with a few simple adjustments.

In the past I’ve rarely struggled to get hard, however after a minute my erection would just dissappear. My wife has been incredibly understanding, however I found myself spectatoring intensely and worrying about how hard I was, almost on some kind of scale.

I’d never really bought into the whole positive visualisation thing, but it has helped my erection quality a great deal. Really buy into it - I’ve found my erections last much longer without stimulation after this practice.

I’ve also come to learn my pelvic floor was possibly tight, through years of stress and clenching waaayy too hard with the kegel exercises. Using the 2:1 breathing to chill out a bit and doing the reverse kegels daily has helped massively.

My advice - use this app to find what parts work for you. Not every resource/lesson/meditation will help, some will be more relevant than others. Find what works, and make it a daily habit. Don’t overcomplicate the situation by trying to do every thing all at once.

Good luck and stay positive gents. I’m still learning every day, but feeling more and more confident as I do.


Appreciate the advice to experiment and figure out what works for each individual. It sets a good expectation for me that everything may not work for me and that’s OK.