Many ups and downs

Keep trying the more work you put into it the closer you get to reprogramming yourself to be your best self. The smallest trigger brings you back to the darkest corners of your mind but double down on what you’ve learned and you’ll surprise yourself. This triggering recently happened to me after 2+ years of being more sexually active than I have ever been, and sent me right back to square 1. But the moment I started practicing what I learned on here the last time i felt this much anxiety about sex, things have suddenly started to turn around. It’s important to confront what is going on in your head and develop your inner coach while listening and debating your inner critic. Most important imo to remember is that sometimes simply focusing on your breath is all it takes to snap you back into reality and enjoy the moment you’ve created for yourself. Sometimes it seems we are all our own worst enemy but on the other side of that battle is a better you


Breathing to bring you back is great. But also paying attention to your partner’s breathing I’m finding amazing, even getting to a point where we’re sort of breathing together and even lightly moaning together as we tenderly embrace throughout the sex. Being in the moment, and feeling connected to the other person … I’m finding it so powerful.

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