Had sex last night 😀

I’ve been struggling the past week or so to have sex because every time I get turned on and in the mood, I immediately get trapped in my head as soon as I go to penetrate. We were having amazing sex a few weeks ago like 1-2 times each day but then my ‘critical self’ started interfering. I did some meditation exercises yesterday along with the module about ‘your critical self’. My partner then wanted to have sex so we tried and I was struggling a little but started doing some breathing exercises and focusing my mind on sex and we were able to go all the way! Am feeling very happy because my head was telling me it’s not going to happen but it did. So I need to keep reminding myself that when my ‘inner critic’ starts telling me it’s not going to work, it is just a presumption and not true because I proved it wrong last night :muscle:t3:



Great result. That’s the aim of all this to just get back to enjoying sex without all the crap in our heads getting in the way.

Yes definitely. I mean I was still in my head a little bit but was much better compared to how it has been over the past week so it was good. I’m feeling more positive I think and I need to remember not to put pressure on myself but to just be in the moment and if I get in my head to remember that it’s just my ‘critical self’ getting in the way and to shake it off and just be present.

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Thank you!