Losing erection just as I start to cum

Hi guys,
Here’s my issue. Early in a relationship I find it difficult to get hard, but eventually I start to feel more confident and can get an erection. The problem I have right now with my partner, is that I’ll be erect enough for penetration, and I’ll be able to insert myself and it feels great. After a few minutes though, I feel myself about to cum and lose my erection immediately.
It’s ridiculously frustrating. I can get hard again but lose the erection just before climax again.
Does anyone else have this problem?

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Can you think of something that is triggered when you are about to cum? E.g. Do you think it’s too early? Don’t you have some bad experience related to cum that results in losing your arousal? In my case, it was premature ejaculation. After a while, when i get hard (or even before) and also start feeling the urge to cum, i immediately lose my arousal.