Is Mojo worth it?

Is the subscription plan really worth it?


I would say yes. It changed my sex life drastically in just few weeks and have been able to maintain erections since then.


I second that it has definitely helped me immensely been using it for almost 3 weeks.


You think it’s bull in the beginning but it surprisingly works. Just stick with it.


Definitely a GameChanger. To expand a little further. I went almost 3 months with no sex because of one failed attempt I got in my head couldn’t get out. Still working through things but I have had four successful sessions with my wife . I also went to see my urologist as well he prescribed Viagra( with the hope it would just help me to regain my confidence and get out of my head ) I believe that it’s 100% psychological and with the help of this app and hard mental work and communication I believe I’ll get back to where I was. I would strongly encourage you to at least give it a chance!


Thank you all for the reviews. I think now I am clear


How much Viagra did you take?


Yes it helps and can be applied beyond sex too


I took on 1 20 gram pill the first time and lI was still in my head and nothing . Then 4 20 gram pills and
I felt confident and was able to perform . Then down to two pills , then one and then 3/4 . I would recommend not if you can as I believe it is mental for sure !

I remember a time I had back when I was easing into a new sexual relationship after a difficult separation and divorce from a wife with serious mental problems. I felt like the worst kind of rubbish in bed with my new partner, a hot chick who seemed to really like me, even though I couldn’t get my limp little dick to do a damn thing. One evening, while we were visiting friends on a weekend, I joined my lady in the shower before bed. I emerged from that shower with a new sense of weight and substance in my schlong, and it blossomed later into a glorious hard-on that delighted both of us for a long time. I still don’t fully understand the miracle that occurred that night, but I accepted it gratefully and enjoyed a robust sex life with my new partner, who became my wife. THEN, all at once, the cock shriveled up again, and now I’m trying to coax it out of hiding. It’s what brings me here. I refuse to believe I’m finished as a sexual being.


Dd you get my first reply ? It doesn’t show up on here.

Mate, it is almost like I typed this myself. I believe with effort comes reward, and there’s no way I’m going to be bogged down by this. I’m a strong independent bloke and reckon I can win. Best of luck mate

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I think it’s a little alarming that it by design doesn’t let you have more than one exercise a day to make you stay subscribed as long as possible. Also there isn’t much content

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And I don’t know how many of the comments are real people and not bots or paid agents

I feel your pain man. With help from this app, I’m beginning to turn the corner!
Just this morning my gf (3mo) was able to get me off for the first time! I’ve been on the app for a few weeks.
I was skeptical at first.
Now-esp after this morning’s mini win /baby step- I’m all in! :sunglasses:

Use the app and explore all it has.
I’m not a bot, my name in Patrick, and I approve this message… :man_facepalming:


I understand your skepticism for sure. I actually downloaded it once and then deleted it because I was struggling with using this app as a Christian. I downloaded a second time and I have been using it for three weeks as I said . I believe it has definitely helped me for sure I just pick and choose what activities I do and what comments I read. I also am not a bout :rofl: . I am an American my name is Chuck lol. Hope this helps!!

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Just go to the explore tab down below and there is all the exercises you can do whenever you want. :+1:t3:

I’m right there with you. I started using this app last November-December I believe. Started having issues with getting it up and found this app. A few weeks later I was successful in bed again. After a month of succession I had stopped using the app with the exercises and remained good until recently. Now a weeks ago I got in my head again and I’m starting back at square one. Having to relearn to get out of my own head. It’s like seasonal depression for the genitals

Good on you, Mate, for persevering. Best wishes for a return of the Glorious Woody!

only the ones you’ve already done.