Been struggling for a long time time now with erection problems. Can be hard all day off and on when messing around with the lady, but when it comes to the actual act, I go soft.
Fancy my lady immensely, we have great sex when it does work, but its really starting to get me down as it just creeps up and ruins me for days/weeks at a time. My lady said for the first time tonight that she is tired of it now and im genuinely absolutely gutted by it. She doesn’t know what to do.
Does this app work? Anyone else had a really positive outcome for this?
Appreciate any advice.
Fellow struggler for a long time. I know how you feel. I didn’t see any results since I didn’t make these exercises a part of my routine, but I believe some of these exercises do help and I’m looking forward to seeing the results in a positive way myself. I personally don’t see any harm in doing these sessions and if it helps even in a tiny bit way, I’d gladly take it
I struggled for 7 years after I broke up with my ex. I started using this app last year the same time I met my current girlfriend. And this app has helped me tremendously from talking about it and going through the exercises. Now I’ve been with my gf for a year thanks to the help from Mojo. Now I am able to let go and enjoy the moment and usually always am able to get an erection. Sometimes when the anxiety kicks in it takes a bit longer but this app has helped me to embrace those moments and to just go with the flow and can easily relax into it by breathing and believing in myself.
I suggest just keep up with it stay positive and if I can do it anyone can
I struggle too, primarily with finishing too early, but sometimes erection issues as well. For me it’s all mental, so the biggest advice is don’t feed your inner critic when things don’t go well.
I know it’s difficult (but important) to hear the truth, but you can’t let it consume you. For me, I want to want to do better, and what I’ve learned from mojo is I need to get out of my head, which has been a huge help. Good luck!
Thanks for taking the time out guys to comment. I will give it a go its worth a shot. Its just good to know I am not the only one.
Do any of you guys just feel numb down their sometimes? Like you feel you are right into it and then literally nothing going on down there?
How does one actually make these exercises part of the routine?
Anyone who has been successful is able to share how they went about in terms of how much time they devoted to it and some advice about staying consistent?
Do you want to change? If yes, then all you can do is try. There are no guarantees with anything, but do your future self a favor and at least try.
I certainly do. Started the app today and signed up properly. I need to do something! I have a great woman and so scared its pushing her away
Luckily I work from home so have the afternoon time to do a few things.
I have done a few of the courses and its all about alone time and exploring, so you need your own time and space to do it. Which is difficult in a busy house hold!
I had gone and got tested ect, so its mental for me too.
I had watched the thing on inner critic but by gosh that guy is strong, but interesting course think i will review that one a few times. Thanks for replying, means a lot
7 years is a long time! Mine started when I suspected my then wife was cheating on me. So been about 4 years now.
Im giving the app a go and keeping an open mind with it I need something!
I know! Congrats on getting on this. I believe it will be beneficial and I’m happy I took the step and got on it as well. One thing that really helped me was the soft penis pleasuring. Being able to be comfortable while being soft made a huge difference and not panic when it came down to it. I wish you the best on your journey.