Said my soft penis looked weird, and then constantly thought about other things rather than what I was doing
At the slightest touch I should be hard. However I have always noticed I needed something else and that was my head space
Didn’t like certain aspects of appearance and that I stayed soft
I don’t like myself
That I should jerk it and just get over the situation
This is so fucking stupid. Stop. Now.
My inner critic didn’t like the woman who was narrating. It kept reminding me of being young and my mother knew I was masturbating and made a comment about it.
I was feeling and looking in my kitchen in front of my wife! My wife was fine and said “should be doing that in bed,” I asked why does it have to be in bed?" Is that weird in itself. As for thoughts, my brain was saying " im proud of you, no matter what you do as you are MINE,always have been , always will be no matter what happens in the future. We will get thru this by working together . Did I feel like I was gonna go hard, NO . But I don’t think that was the point of this exercise , was it ? . I am in MOJOs hands, literally… no pun intended…lol
Got hard but didn’t stay hard. Not big enough.
That it won’t work and that being soft was easy
Called it small, too hairy, no wonder my previous partners didn’t like it.
had a flashback to when a partner said that I didn’t want to touch her and I didn’t want her to touch me. There’s some shame there.
That I have a small penis and it’s not going to be any good, that try as I want it won’t get hard
Inner critic was saying how soft it was and how small it was soft.
Started telling me that I should be getting hard as I was touching myself
The critic wanted to point out any imperfection of my penis even though there is no perfect penis
the inner critic was telling me that I wasn’t sensitive enough, that I would never enjoy sex as much as my partner, that it wasn’t big enough (even while soft lol)
My inner critic was criticizing its size.
As usual lots of precum while remaining flaccid
Felt wrong for not getting hard and felt like i failed