I just had epic sex

After breaking up a long relationship, where I had some accidental issues, I started dating someone who i really liked. Actually fell in love with. But she couldnt respond with that and she made me very insecure. We did date for a while and she said she was also in love with me, but she just couldnt give me the connection or attention I needed. And when we had sex it just didnt work, she didnt make me feel wanted. And I thought it was all on me, got super insecure and tense. Did all the mojo things (18 day streak suuup). But then me and this girl decided to stop seeing one another. I was very sad.
That same day I run into a girl I flirted with before. We picked up where we left off. She really made me feel wanted and good, was leading on a lot (simmering). Inner critic thoughts crossed my mind but I swept them aside as ‘just thoughts’. And I was hard before we even got to her place (we had sort of half sex in the street), and then when we got to hers, jumped in bed, I felt rockhard. Like 18 year old me erection. And it just kept going. The thoughts didnt even matter. I think its not always you my guys, it might also be the partner you’re with that just needs to make you feel wanted and desired.