How to Reverse Kegel?

I found the instructions very confusing. I don’t understand what is meant by ‘apply downward pressure while relaxing the area between the balls and anus’. I tried different interpretations of ‘downward pressue’ but was unable to feel any movement except for contraction- which is supposed to be the opposite of what I want!
I’ve had a Google, but most articles are AI or just as vague as the instructions here.
Does anyone have any tips or expertise the could share?

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I am looking for help on this one too. I think maybe it means instead of contracting like trying to stop the urge to pee maybe you just relax and push a little bit? Like right when I am about to cum that’s what I do and it helps me get harder and then explode. Maybe by relaxing the muscles this way it helps to strengthen to improve blood flow down there?

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Same I’d love to get more details on reverse kegel