How to control immediate senestion to ejaculate

I’ve noticed that sometimes (typically when going a week or so without having sex) that when my partner (man and man relationship) are starting to have sex I get an erection and any touching prompts an immediate sensation of ejaculation it could even be just touching the shaft of my penis or licking my balls. I have tried some of the techniques on the app to help but none have helped consistently yet. I have heard of the technique to masturbate before sex but that can be hard when sex isn’t planned. Does anyone have any advice of what works for them?

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Same as you here been struggling with this for months

I had this for literally years. It started just occasionally then became worse the more I thought about it. Couldn’t shake it off until I started using mojo. Been doing the exercises every day for a few months now and it’s been an absolute game changer. Best thing for me was to focus on breathing and relaxing. Especially relaxing the pelvic floor, reverse kegels were helpful for that. Stick with it bud, you’ll get there

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