How are you finding the directed masturbation exercises?

Didn’t especially rate the first woman’s voice, it was far too quick and stressed me out a bit lol

It helps but could be a bit slower paced.

much prefer a female voice but overall, I’ve really been enjoying it … both times I’ve been surprised at how aroused I’m getting, which is not usually the case

The exercise works well and i find myself getting more comfortable with it. I find that i am changing the patterns of masturbation and that feels refreshing and new. I would like a better female voice, the first one was not enjoyable. The male voice was much much better and i enjoyed it but think i would like a female voice better for the experience.

The male presenting voice was calming and relaxed. People should not be so insecure in their own sexuality that they prefer the fast, frantic female voice from the first one, only because she’s female presenting.


Finding it great. I never realised I was just focusing on the penis. Exploring my body and focussing on different areas. Gay man here and prefer a man’s voice. Would be nice if there was a choice.

Feels relaxing to do the exercises but it doesn’t necessarily arouse me though. Maybe over time it will help me to get more aroused by the touching.

I found it relaxing, however there was no arousal at this loin, maybe because I’m subconsciously thinking I should be getting aroused

Great so far! It’s a different mindset to get into, and entirely new for me, but there’s value to be had here. Understanding more about spectatoring and how to recognize it when it creeps in, and how to quell that, is huge.

Both exercises so far, but especially the first one, could benefit from being a bit slower and calmer… Maybe they’re still good anyway for imparting the information for me to do it again in my own time, but I felt a bit rushed while listening to the exercises.

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I want to work on touching myself without an agenda. I have enjoyed reconnecting with myself

Getting into my body and out of my mind is very helpful. I find the prompts useful and they are building a more diverse understanding of pleasure.

Prefer a female voice, felt abit weird listening to a male

I think I prefer the female voice.

It was enjoyable to let go and get into my body felling as much as I could. I felt more comfortable and relaxed about myself and my arousal which I feel I need to be more confident in the bedroom.

The exercise took me from flaccid to the beginning of noticing the start of an erect ion. Continued after the exercise doing what felt good but trying to avoid my typical grip/movements and enjoyed this exercise.

The good feelings of various body parts

its a new experience

Female voice was a bit fast and as though it was an order . Make voice was calmer and as a male new what he meant in instructions