Had a partner for 5 years but only recently has rapid ejaculation started occurring

Hi all. I’m 33 years old I’ve been with my partner for 5 years and for 4.5 have had no issues sexually. However the last 6-7 months I’ve been finishing way too quickly. Sometimes as quick as less than a minute into penetration. Considering it hasn’t been a problem in the past I’m assuming it’s something psychological but I really can’t put my finger on what the problem is or how to solve it. Although my partner is supportive Its starting to affect my confidence. I have no erection issues and can go round 2 no problem but sometimes after finishing quickly in round 1 it kind of kills the buzz. Anyone else been in this situation or have any tips? I’m relatively new to Mojo


Hey, you are certainly not alone, we’re even the same age :smile:. I am hoping Mojo will help me with discovering of the root cause and eliminate it.

Yep I’m 32. Almost the same issue but I’ve been with my now fiancée for 9 years. I’ve probably been having this problem most of the relationship and had just accepted I suck at sex so I help her finish and then go in and finish things off in about 20-40 seconds and then I feel shitty and wish I could last longer. Finally trying to figure this out and hoping it’s just something psychological or maybe it’s weak pelvic floor… we’ll figure it out! Hang in there. S💪🏻

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