Guided Masterbation

I’m wondering if I’m alone here. I find it very uncomfortable and cringe to do the guided masterbation with the men voices. I’m not homophobic, but some dude with a deep voice in my ear telling me to touch myself is a turn off.

It would be nice to have the option of a male or female voice. Session one with the female voice I loved. Number 2 and 3, couldn’t even focus.


I was literally about to post this exact thing. Level 2 was weird since they changed to a guy(WHY!?). The level 3 voice is even worse, it’s just horrible. He sounds like he should be narrating action movie trailers while smoking a carton of cigarettes at a truck stop. I don’t know what they were thinking using that voice. So yeah, level 2 and 3 are a bust for me, couldn’t concentrate at all either.

100% agree. I have given up on them now and begun to skip them. Simply cannot use them with the male voice.

I would really suggest a choice of gender for the voice.

:sweat_smile: I just posted pretty much the exact same thing, glad to know it is not just me thinking this.


We’re working on this one, hoping that by next week you’ll have the ability to choose between male and female voices.


I agree and I’m very glad you added the female voices to the audio stories.
thank you

Hi folks! We’re happy to let you know that you can now change the voice options in the directed masturbation task. To do so, click on the options button in the top right hand corner and you will be allowed to choose between male, female voices, or a transcript option.

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