so I lost my virginity to a girl who was my first love and was in about a year n a half long relationship with when I had just turned 17…im still young only around 19 and I feel like this is when I should be a at the peak of my sexual performance but since going off to college I’ve had numerous women in my bed but for some reason I just am so stuck in my head I can never perform, that is get it up enough to penetrate and make it last. I’m currently dating a girl im really interested in and we’ve gotten to the point about 3-4 times now I just always say im too tired or find some excuse. Is it that im just too much in my head? I really don’t know what it is because I haven’t been able to perform since that one girl… any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Yeah bro….you’re absolutely stuck in your head. As many people have said on this app, do not concentrate on performance, concentrate on the hawt chick you’ve got with you, the sensation you feel and how she’s feeling. Work this program and pay close attention to that internal voice that tells you that you’ll fail and not be able to maintain an erection ….its all about relaxing and enjoying the moment. Have faith in your body that it will do what it’s supposed to do. Also, be honest and just tell the chick you’re nervous cuz you really like her….itll take the edge off.
Good luck