Failure even with meds

So frustrating… Have taken meds for years and they still work now but only as far as the early stages. As soon as there is any possibility of penetrartion the erection goes and doesn’t come back for ages, and when it does its on/off and disappears the moment my partner touches me.

I’ve been doing this app for months now, albeit not regularly, and I’m noticing zero difference. Any tips? Is there anyone who has been using it regularly that has been able to overcome ED and maintain an erection?


I can tell you it happened to me too. I used meds and it worked sometimes ( get an erection) and sometimes it didn’t (get arousal but not hard enough to penetrate). I was totally down and felt like i’m impotent.

I haven’t got solved my problem yet but i feel the difference after a week of use in my mood and in my thinking about my problem. I would recommend to spend some time every day with Mojo because just spending time here without commitment may not be enough.

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For me the medications worked when I was drinking. I’ve been on mojo for about a month now and things are definitely getting better. It’s a mental thing Box breathing and the meditations have been a game changer for me


I am the same, can get hard and maintain it during foreplay but goes soft as soon as penetration happens. Meds don’t help at all. What is the solution here?
Must be a mental thing

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Try Cake! I love their combination 80mg generic Viagra with 18mg generic Cialis. Search Cake for ED and check out the super formula! You won’t be disappointed!