I’ve been using mojo daily for a few weeks now and have definitely noticed an improvement in my ability to get and maintain an erection. However I am still struggling to finish and after a setback last week due to going for ages but not cumming and us both getting bored and then going soft, I am now having issues with getting hard properly again. Just wondering if anyone else has experience as mojo so far only really talks about being premature
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I have this issue, I think it’s die to the grip of masturbation. I can go for a long time until I go soft. But I can masturbate and finish in less than 5 minutes. I’ve been working to completely cut out masturbation, with only a couple of setbacks
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If you’re using your hand to masterbate I’d recommend buying a toy like a Fleshlight and start using that. The pressure is much closer to vaginal intercourse so you can start training your brain to get used to that softer pressure.
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