Erectile dysfunction in your 30s

If you’re in your 30s and struggling with ED, we’d love to hear from you.

What do you think are the things that may be impacting your erections as a 30-something-year-old? What has helped you keep your erections on track?

Feeling I’m past my prime, too much porn, body image issues - a vicious cycle.

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Finasteride certainly didn’t help. After suffering from post-fin erectile dysfunction that only made My anxiety spike around having sex.

I am 36. I put my ED issues down largely to a big uptick in stress in my daily life: I’m more fatigued in general, lower energy, and have more pressure in my work which bleeds into my personal life more than I should allow. I think I’ve noticed only in the last couple of years or so that my libido is slumping a bit as a result and I need to ‘be in the mindset’ more. Combining some historic anxiety about PD with a new anxiety about not getting erect whenever I’d like means that I’m walking more of a tightrope of being the ‘right level’ of hard and sustaining it. We have a bit less time and energy in general so our sex lives have changed a bit too and we focus less on foreplay which perhaps inadvertently puts the emphasis more on penetrative sex together. So I put more pressure on myself to ‘perform’, which, once I’ve had a couple of failures under my belt, then leads to me being in my head and spectatoring more. I’m very lucky in that I’m able to share this with my partner, and that definitely helps, but it’s frustrating not to be able to flick a switch and fix it!


Multiple failures over years have lead to a 4 year sexless relationship. At some point my libido died and now I just stress about getting an erection and maintaining one and it’s a never ending cycle. Sex has gone from something relaxing to something super stressful that consumes my brain and I’m no longer enjoying anythin

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