Any insight on PSSD?

Anyone here ever felt like they had PSSD from antidepressants? I’ve taken them twice in my life and recently I’ve noticed no sex drive and numbness down there and I’m paranoid it’s PSSD. I’ve heard it can be permanent but I’m not sure if I really have it or I’m just psyching myself out.

PSSD sounds like it’s a full-on clinical diagnosis. You probably don’t have that.

But you may be experiencing what many (ie. most people, men and women) experience on an SSRI, which is decreased sensitivity.

In my personal case, I found that identifying the minimal effective dose of an SSRI for my anxiety was helpful to have the maximum sensitivity in my genitals.

Don’t freak out though. It’s really common to have some side effects like that, to some degree. See if you can find the minimum dose of SSRI that provides you anxiety/depression relief.

If all else fails, there are other antidepressants meds that function differently than SSRI you could try instead.