Anxiety all time high

Cry most nights and can’t escape gut wrenching feeling of the fear of sexual encounter with partner
I don’t know how much longer I can continue something has to change I’m worried I won’t be able to get myself out of this it’s all gone wrong I can’t make sense of why I feel this or why I am chosen to suffer this enormous burden I am 21 soon and if this is a preview for the rest of my life I do not want to continue


Mate, take a deep breath and make a step back. In order to get in a better mental state you need to allow yourself to be there and this cannot be done while being tense all the time. Do not be too judgemental with yourself, you only make harm this way. I proly don’t know you, but I know what you are going through and I’m sure that you want and will make the change for the better, thus you are here too. Give yourself time to heal and adjust. Everyone has different journey and struggles. It won’t all happen in a day and there sure gona be tough days of even bigger periods, but you need to keep going for yourself!

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Nothing last forever, friend. The bad doesn’t last forever, and neither does the good. Everything is temporary. Your pain will not last forever.

You’re in a community of a bunch of guys who are working through the same anxiety. I say that to say you’re not alone, and you’re not hopeless.

Beyond engaging with this community, spend time outdoors. If you can, consider starting talk therapy. Prioritize exercise. Buy yourself something nice. Be KIND to yourself.

You’re having a distorted thought pattern called over-generalizing: “Because I feel this way now, I will always feel this way.” It’s simply not true. Take a step back from your thoughts, and focus some of the things I mentioned above. You’re not alone. You’re not doomed. You’re not cursed. I promise, you’re just stuck in a negative thought pattern loop, which you can resolve.


Everything the guys said to your initial message…. Fully agree with.
I signed up for 3 months… saw progress, took another 3 months…
I’m in a good place … but I’ve kept with the program… yep… it’s costing some money but I’m happy with my investment in myself… and that’s the point… investing and believing in myself.

Yep… took longer than I wanted … but I’ve learned lots about myself… my resilience… my self image… but please stick with it…

And the community is on your side man….

May have got a bit dramatic last night fellas I appreciate you all taking the time to stop, read and respond.
I had a much better day today and certainly do want to continue with life ha.
It was just a build up of anxiety that I let loose and over dramatised just to get it off my chest.
Again thank you all for kind and helpful replies.

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