Accustomed to hand

I don’t get a boner unless I touch my penis myself. Be in during sex or masturbation. This wasn’t the problem until I realised I started having difficulty cumming if it wasn’t with my own hands. Have I desensitised it w the use of porn and self pleasure? How can I cure it?


I’ve experienced this a bit too. It seemed like stamina at first, because my partners would get tired and have me touch myself while they helped in other ways. But I think I’m realizing it’s really just trouble cuming and sometimes getting an erection in the first place to someone else’s touch. Part of the problem was definitely that I had a partner who lost her sex drive while mine stayed high so I was mastubating a lot and getting her touch much less. I did also find that I was giving myself what’s unofficially called “death grip” where my penis was becoming desensitized by gripping too hard when I masturbated and I mad a conscious effort to work on that and it seems to have helped bring more sensitivity back but I still have the issue of finding it much easier to get hard and cut from my own touch. Not positive what to do about it either.


How did over come the death grip sensation, might one of the reasons I’m not enjoying sex that much right now.