25 years old virgin

As in the title, I’m 25 and a virgin, the only experience I ever had was my girlfriend (we were about 16), during cuddles and kisses I would get hard but when she tried to jerk me off, I never got hard, even though I was really excited, she had long nails which kind of hurt my weewee, ever since then I’ve never been able to even get hard or think about having a sexual moment, am I the only one who’s had something like that happen to them

You should try some healthy porn and do the exercises and explore yourself. It’s ok to be sexual in a healthy way. You got this!

I had a similar ish experience. My first time having sex was with a pretty wild lady when I was 18 in college. I knew she was pretty wild and I am naturally a pretty reserved person till I make a good connection with them. She initiated. Did not tell her it was my first time ever. I have forskin issues and she peeled me and had her way with me. Lasted forever cause I was in pain the entire time. That was the only time we had sex. Did other things but never penetration and made me pretty scared to ever have sex again. Was a little close to rape. But……after that I learned to make good connections with partners and lay some groundwork before even messing around. Been married for 17 years and only had a few partners before my wife. So definitely think you can beat this my friend! Find someone you really care about and is worth it and communicate with her. From experience some women will really like it and view it as a “problem” to solve and they can train you to what their desires are and they can help you with your issues and fears. But like everything involving humans will take the right person. You got this!