Why do you want to be more mindful during sex?

Just want to be able to get it up and be in the moment

To be hard and stay hard

I second the guy that said I want sex to be an experience rather than a contest I feel I need to win. Because that’s what it is like for me now, I don’t want to approach each encounter like something I need to get through.

I want to be mindful so I can fully experience and enjoy the sensations of sex with my partner. I want to feel more connected, present and to enjoy the experience together

I want be more mindful, more present, more in the moment (get out of my head) during sex, so the experience is an actual experience and not some contest with a ficticious score card at the end. I want to be able to enjoy her body, and she mine, without the pressures and anxieties that come with whether or not I’ll get and or stay excited!

Because b4 sec I always over think and it causes me to go soft

So that I can be a better lover: be more attuned to my partner’s pleasure, not to mention my own!

I want to be more mindful during the experience so that I can enhance my own experience as well as my partner’s.

I want to be more mindful in sex, so that I can get more pleasure out of sex by being more in touch with my senses. I also want to be more mindful because it connects me with the other person more and makes it a more special moment.

I want me and my partner to have the best most intimate sex we can have

I want to be more mindful so I can stop stressing on things that don’t matter and instead enjoy all the positive feelings that come with sex

I want to focus on the pleasure vs how hard my erection is.

I want to be more in my body and less in my head during sex. The anxiety will often cause me to lose my erection but even if I can keep it hard I’m still not focusing on the feelings of sex. It’s like I’m missing out on the whole situation and just focusing on staying hard to the finish.

I want to be more mindful to have more control over my thoughts when in that situation.

I’d like to be more mindful so if I feel like it’s more of a shared experience rather than a performance I’ll be judged on.

To enjoy it more

I want to be more aware of my sensations, the moment, the person I am with so I will be more present in the moment . (vs. in my thoughts)

I want to enjoy the experience, feel the sensations and connect with my partner. I used to love sex. But at the moment I’m so in my own head and the anxiety and pressure makes it difficult to enjoy

I want to be able to live in the moment during sex, learning to go with the flow instead if worrying about every little detail
